
Improvisational Hypothesis

Theorizing Spontaneity

Written By: Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st


I’m infatuated with coincidental perfections that spurs in random arbitrary, specifically during random improvisational projects. These occurrences are not predetermined or intuitively done, it’s coincidental arbitrary due to improbability in the extent of the occurrence, that cannot be conceptualized. Improvising is the process of the same theme, The random unexpected equations of perfected mathematical end results.


Random processes cannot be studied or intellectualized, and if it can somehow be summarized then we must reinvent our perception of the term “Random,” During the moment these perfections are spewed, there exist a spontaneous abstract thought that instantaneously manifests itself into tangible actuality, thus creating these improbable perfected moments in random-ness.

What’s unknown is the spaces between these two events instantaneously happening, The uncontrollable result thats labelled as the perfect moment. I define the Perfect Moment as a predefined, predetermined, process that’s consistent with preconceived, predictable expectations based on an overall consistency.

However any un-predetermined, non defined, inconceivable process that spurs in a perfect moment, even if it lacks continuity and consistency, the improbability of that perfect moment actually happening is simply marvelous in its nature.

(Hypothesis) It’s the mind in its independent state acting free of human involvement, it’s a chain of sequences occurring to fast for the speed of light to measure, that sudden improbability is undeniably a far fetch notion for human contemplation. (Hypothesis)

Throughout New York City many improvisational schools are taught on the most mediocre level, trivial at best and it lacks all the rudiment philosophical, psychological and neurological theoretical explanations in these schools. However these classes are filled with egocentric, mortal buffoons in their bubble of insignificance.

The End…

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Article Written By: Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st

Stage Name: Mr Pregnant

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