
Author Archive for Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st

The Crossdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary, Transdisciplinary & Interdisciplinary Analysis - Metaphysics, Linguistics, Physics, Esoterism, Psychopathology, Pathophysiology, Theoretical Music, Parapsychology!


The Disparity Between Jargon and Ebonics

LINGUISTICS ORGANIC SEARCH ENGINE THEORY (LOSE-T) PART XXI Search Engine Optimization (SEO), (SERP), (NLP), Terminology, Jargon, Verbosity, Slang Syllables and Lexicons Phonological and lexical attributions in syntactical sentences The abstruse nature of jargons are prevalent in every academic field, and it’s barbarously misconstrued as verbosity, improper or unnecessary use of complexed language, and such a […]


The Psychology of Politics and Equatable Rhetorics

The Psychology of Politics and Equatable Rhetorics Ideology and Ego The NYPD union president lambasted Mayor Bill de Blasio in reaction to the broad daylight execution of two police officers. Patrick Lynch is the president of the “Patrolman Benevolent Association” (PBA), he said, (There’s blood on many hands tonight, and those that incited violence on […]


Privacy Is An Illusion

PRIVACY IS AN ILLUSION Google and Facebook Sharing Information Here’s something interesting to ponder on; i’m an investor, i invest in long-term and short-term investments, primarily the Stock-Market…I’ve never written any paper on investing with exception to this paper written almost a year ago. Fundamental vs Technical Analysis In The Stock Market. Interestingly enough, two […]


A Paradox in an Oxymoron is Ironic

LINGUISTIC PHILOSOPHY A Paradox in an Oxymoron is Ironic Rudimentary structure of lexical ambiguity figurative connotations and its contemporary implications, the connotational attributions to lexical paradoxes. Figurative connotations play a major role in linguistic aesthetic ambiguity, this kind of ambiguity is pervasive in denotational and connotational attributions. Of-course, the less prevalent ambiguity consist of nouns, […]


The Emotional Dichotomy in Humor

The Emotional Dichotomy in Humor Humor and Depression Alvin Hin, is a comedian who recently committed suicide, he convinced me on numerous occasions that I’m a profound genius and “what am I doing at Flappers Comedy Club open mic.” A laudable gesture indeed; however, i found myself avoiding his flattery for low self-esteem reasons. The […]


The Perceptual Disparity Between Verbal Ambiguity & Visual Ambiguity

The Perceptual Disparity Between Verbal Ambiguity & Visual Ambiguity Semantics and Surrealism I’ve always found ambiguity to be an intriguing phenomenon, whether inadvertently, arbitrarily or contrived, and regardless of their derivations their pronounced contrasting or multiple interpretations are verbally and visually confounding. Linguistics has a number of subfield; phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, […]


Psychophysics Polyrhythm and The Demystification of Music

Psychophysics, Polyrhythm and The Demystification of Music Baseline, Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Percussion Please read the first part introduction to this paper. Psychophysics, Polyrhythm, Arrangement and Composing The pervasiveness of 1,5,6,4 progression in pop music has promulgated the music industry for decades, and as a musical arranger and composer I always sensed a common denominator in […]


The Trichotomy Between Amplitude Frequency and Velocity

The Trichotomy Between Amplitude, Frequency and Velocity Tension, Object, Mass, Force, Vibration There’s two key areas I’ll discuss in following papers, one is the classification of different types of waves, such as; Sinusoidal, Longitudinal, Transverse and Mechanical etc, and musicology and the compositional aspect of arranging and composing instrumentals. Also the pervasiveness of the 1,5,6,4, […]


The Paradox of Light and Sound Induces Synesthesia

The Paradox of Light and Sound Induces Synesthesia Wavelengths, Frequencies, Amplitudes, Velocity The objective of this paper is not centered around the ambiguity of lights behavior being both wave and particle simultaneously, or its electromagnetic radiation equilibrium, (electricity & magnetism), but primarily the energy emission that propagates the spectrum of colors, and the higher and […]


Genius The Euphemism For Diligence

Genius The Euphemism For Diligence The Disparity Between Brilliance and Diligence Never a dull moment passes without being bombarded with such misconstrued labels; such as Genius, Brilliant, Eccentric or some peculiar condition that enhances my intellectual capacity. It’s a flattering discomfort to say the least, and I feel like a disingenuous charlatan, because that’s not […]