
31: Visualizing Quantum Mechanics

Visualizing Quantum Mechanics

The Cymatics of
Sound and Vibration

Frequency, Velocity, Amplitude, Propagation

Visualizing Quantum Mechanics
& The Cymatics of Sound

The paradoxical interpretation of light behaving as both wave and particle precedes back to antiquity, a conundrum once observed in separate entity has taken a paradigmatic shift. Quantum mechanics interpretation of photons behaving in a wave-particle duality has never had a visual experiment that captured the simultaneity, until recently scientist have succeeded in capturing the dualistic nature of lightwaves propagation, a visual demonstration that illustrates the simultaneity.

A laser light pulse is fired at a tiny metallic nanowire, the charged particles in the nanowire vibrates from the energy emitted from the pulse the pulse of laser light. The waves propagate along the nanowire in two possible directions, opposite of each other; metaphorically equatable to pedestrians walking down a sidewalk opposite to each other. As they propagate the collision between the waves creates an equilibrium, a state of two opposing forces or influences are balanced forming a new wave, one that looks “stand-alone.” Ironically, in this case it’s a synergy between the same forces..

A stream of electrons were then fired close to the nanowire using them to image the standing wave of light, as the electrons travelled along the nanowire interacting with the constricted light on the nanowire, they collided with the photon affecting their speed, causing oscillation at different speed. The fluctuations were photographed using an ultrafast microscope to capture the change in speed; two key areas were simultaneously demonstrated, the particle aspect, and the visualization of the standing wave, showing the blueprint to the paradoxical nature of lights duality.

The irony of such a notion indeed; light travels 186,000 miles a second, while sound snails along behind at 700 miles an hour, you’d assert the visualization of light on a quantum level would supersede the visualization of sound. However, Cymatics is the science of visible sound, it derives from a principle when sound collides or interacts with a membrane or diaphragm, it outlines a visible pattern of energy. Periodic vibrations of energy are converted by the membrane into geometric patterns once contact is made with any pliable sheet or structure of any kind. 

The CymaScope was developed by John Stuart Reid, an Acoustic Engineer, Scientist, Inventor and world leader in Cymatic research; the instrument is designed to reveal the visual resonant of sound. CymaScope and its practical implication has been diversified into a myriad of disciplines; Zoology, Oceanography, Musicology, and Phonology, a subset of Linguistic. Two interesting examples are sound patterns in literary devices such as sarcasm, verbal irony and condescending rhetoric—and unravelling sound patterns when Dolphins echolocate on membranes or diaphragms, by recording and translating the vibrations into lexicons, using CymaScope..

Although light and sound share propagating properties such as amplitude, frequency, velocity, crest, trough and vibrations per cycle, they’re mutually exclusive in “how” they propagate; light is stream of massless photon, while sound is the collision of air molecules, ones disadvantage is the others advantage. Sound dissipates in a vacuum and propagates faster in denser atmosphere, while light propagates faster in a vacuum and slows down in compact atmosphere. 

The electromagnetic spectrum of light and the emission of sound consisting of oscillating air molecules are two phenomenon in nature; however, the physical properties of a wavelengths seems frequency, velocity, amplitude and because the doppler effect which expresses the redshift blueshift phenomenon in the electromagnetic spectrum, and the change in frequency of an object in motion acceleration or receding from a source relative to a observer.

Share your views and opinion, please leave a comment below Article Written By: Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st
Stage Name: Mr Pregnant
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