
Pessimist Vs Optimist

Personality Rivalry

Written By: Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st

Why Does The Pessimist and Optimist Hate Each Other?

The optimist gets annoyed with the pessimist for “self explanatory” reasons and “vice versa” but here’s the interesting thing about them, not a single side is viewing the world objectively, they’re both subjectively compartmentalizing their ideologies of the world, then projecting that as a kind of objective view.


Both sides are delusional, Because the pessimist is holding the position of a realist, and the “optimist” is holding the position of “positiveness” The optimist and pessimist is who they are because they allow certain kind of information to have an emotional effect on them, either negative or positive. But deep down they both know they’re lying to themselves.

Here’s something more interesting, while the pessimist believes he’s looking at the world realistically, he assumes the optimist is either naive, delusional or doesn’t want to face reality. On the flip side, the optimist believes he’s looking at the world positively and assumes the pessimist is just a negative person with negative view of the world.

Both sides are completely wrong, Because if someone decides to look at the world objectively, they have to accept any and all information, irregardless if they like it or not, the minute you begin to compartmentalize the kind of information you prefer, you’re no longer in the objective category, you’re in complete subjective territory.

So for an optimist and a pessimist to debate a sense of superior ideology, they’ll encounter an argumentative paradox.

The End…

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Article Written By: Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st

Stage Name: Mr Pregnant

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