
Introverts Vs Extroverts

Why Am I an Introvert?

Written By: Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st


Solitude, confinement, i enjoy nothingness, the spaces of quite-ness, the silence of the wind, the whistling air, i can hear the sound of crickets speaking their native language, Should i utter more? these are just a mere 10 seconds of experience in a space of thoughts.

I am an introvert because ideas are on the tip of my tongue, i smell the roses and i see the scent, i draft unending thoughts of creative madness, i enjoy lackluster-ing into a world of infinite imaginations, a world of unending dimensions, a playground where i’m the comedian and the clown, no rules, no regulations, lawless and free to think and design as much as my free mind desires.

I’m in awe of creative epiphanies, they’re like mental and cortex-tual obsessions, epiphanies are abstract obsessions, and they come from time spent alone, thinking and exploring your thoughts, exploring your mind, learning about yourself, understanding yourself and beginning to build a relationship with yourself. ”Society Interpret That As Insanity”

Why Do Introverts And Extroverts Hate Each Other?

I strongly believe introverts and extroverts have a latent underlying detest for each other, why else would introverts and extroverts mutually exclude themselves completely opposites? Its because both sides subconsciously and consciously know deep down that they’re the opposite of what they prefer.

Which runs into an irony of choice and preference, if an introvert is a true introvert, he’ll respect an extrovert, vice versa, “For a simple reasons” In order for one to exist, he’s codependent on the other, Ironically both sides assumes the complete opposite, which runs us into an irrationality factor on both sides.

But the problem isn’t so much the irrationality factor on both sides, its more of their inability to understand how dependent they are on each other for the concept “introvert and extrovert” to even exist.

Based on my fundamental understanding of introverts and extroverts, i’ve taken a very unorthodox approach to evaluating extroverts from a more embracive introverted perspective. And i’n doing so, i’ve learned how much i have a Deep Seeded, Rooted, Boiling, Toiling Volcano Erupting, Titanic Splashing, Tornado Crashing, Earthquake Cracking, detest for the basic core, of what an extrovert stands for.

The End…

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Article Written By: Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st

Stage Name: Mr Pregnant

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