
Andy Kaufman A Genius

The Magic Behind Spontaneity

Written By: Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st


Andy Kaufman is the all encompassing comedic renaissance man of his time. Many comedians had a difficult time dissecting Andy Kaufman’s unorthodox approach to humor, Simply because of his denial of comical conformity.

His work has no stringent cliches, habitual puns, wordplays, double entendres or any sort of stereotypical punch-line formulas, Hence the reason his ambiguity went without a thorough understanding of the cerebral ingenious mega-fantastic man Andy Kaufman was.

Andy Kaufman’s multi-perplexed Improvisational spontaneity had a uniquely perfected execution that defied the laws of improvisational improbabilities, And he always multi-layered his random flow of mental freedom with so many ambiguities.

What’s even more fascinating about Andy Kaufman is his inability to distinct characteristics beyond the parameters of entertainment, And maintaining such a full fledge delusion is uncanny. However, this ambiguity is another form of self exploration.

Comedians always had a two sided coined perspective when entertaining an audience, either the audience laughs with or at the comic, But Andy Kaufman explored an unusual gap in stage performances, he added a third perspective to the equation, he laughed at the audience. The audience was the joke, and he juxtaposed humor and emotions to create conflict and laughter.

Andy Kaufman always switched the atmospheric momentum by manipulating the audience, Thus the audience becoming the performer, provoking, teasing and just freeing his mental expressiveness beyond rules rationality and entertainment reasoning.

If you observe his work closely you’ll see the cerebral artistry, the nonsensical introductions that automatically sways itself into a woven monological masterpiece, something many comedians must do manually.

If i was to discuss a single one of Andy Kaufman’s work, it would take alot of cumbersome intellectual and linguistic breakdown, because most of his verbal themes explored the figurative aspect of linguistics, and his showmanship is a surreal epic wittiness that requires a a true objective understanding.

Andy Kaufman’s manipulative improvisational precision is a perfection that magnificently baffles the simplicity of average comedians in his time, His work is feathered with metaphorical and literal ambiguities, and his verbal and visual dynamics is nothing more than condensed compendious incongruous juxtapositions.

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Article Written By: Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st

Stage Name: Mr Pregnant

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Copyright 2013

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