
10: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, Gama Brain Waves In Extrasensory Perception


The Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, Gamma Brain Waves In Extrasensory Perception; Bipolar I Manic Episodes

Brain Waves, Sound Waves, Light Waves

The brain consist of billions of cells called neurons, which oscillates information between synapses at different frequencies depending on ones emotional state. Brainwaves are analogous to sound waves and light waves, however they’re a trichotomy with independent autonomy. Sound waves are the collision of air molecules traveling as mechanical waves; lights is sinusoidal waves of photons or quantum energy, giving rise to electric current and magnetism— oscillating in harmony as electromagnetic radiation. With brainwaves in particular the signals are transmitted across the cell membrane. When brainwaves, sound waves and light waves are compared it’s analogous in characteristics, such as; amplitude, frequency, velocity, intensity, acceleration, momentum, crest, trough etc! Two dimensional surfaces are used to illustrate sound waves, which is a misconception because sound propagates as an expanding spherical bubble that dissipates conducive to the intensity of its impact. What determines the frequency or amplitude is the normal vs applied force during impact. See My Paper On—- The Trichotomy Between Amplitude, Frequency & Velocity

Light is also a dispersing electromagnetic radiation, and the schematic representation of the visible spectrum is just a two dimensional illustration to encapsulate the inner-workings of light. Alpha, beta, delta, theta and gamma brainwaves are electrical signals propagating in similar ways, and is not transmitted in the linear sense, but nonlinearly between synapses. I’m mentioning sound waves and light waves within the context of the brainwave state of bipolar manic’s because they’re often coalesced together using two dimensional surfaces to depict the transport of energy; however, the inherent discrepancies are quite salient. Let’s explore how different brainwaves regulate and modifies pathological brains and cognitive impairment; often times unobtainable by the unimpaired or uninitiated.

Delta brainwaves (.0 to 3 Hz) frequency is attributed to complete relaxation and deep meditation; theta brainwaves (3 to 8 Hz) frequency are prevalent amongst advanced meditators; Alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz) augments intuition, although manics utilizes both intuition and impulsivity interchangeably. Beta brainwaves (12 to 38 Hz) aids the waking state of consciousness, where cognitive task, problem solving, and heightened sense of awareness is paramount. Gamma brainwaves (38 to 42 Hz) is the highest frequency and deals with the instantaneous rapidity of information processing, altruism, and the paragon of human virtues. Manic’s brain are in gamma during peak euphoria; hence, the distribution of personal properties, relinquishing cash, clothing and excessive spending are classic textbook definitions. Gamma brainwaves generates the expanded consciousness and modulates perception, and this could empower grandiosity and the elated sense of divinity.

Alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz) is dominant during impulsivity, it’s the brainwave that induces the “the power of now;” this is the hallmark of mania, the crux of their being and source of explosiveness. Alpha is also a brain state during mindfulness meditation, because mindful meditation inclined to awareness in the moment; delta and theta brain waves are also frequencies during meditation because of its relaxing induction. Two individuals having identical experiences from completely different perspective, (mania and meditator); manics and hypomania proactively engage mindful awareness during their conscious state, a mixture between alpha and gamma brainwaves; while the unimpaired or initiated minds may require deep relaxation to develop the same conscious awareness, mixture of delta, theta and alpha. Gamma waves (38 to 42 Hz) is the highest frequency and deals with the instantaneous rapidity of information processing, altruism, and the paragon of human virtues. Manics brain are in gamma during peak euphoria; hence, the distribution of personal properties, relinquishing cash, clothing and excessive spending…Gamma wave generates the expanded consciousness and modulates perception, and this could empower grandiosity and the elation of divinity.

There’s an Interplay between biological predisposition and environmental factors being the precursor to bipolar, it’s an imperceptible illness because its inception in adolescence is often undiagnosed, and causes it to gradually proliferating with time. Whether predisposition or environments are the cause, they’re both conducive to a biochemical imbalance or neurological aberration analysis..The former or latter is equivalent in relevance because during impulsivity, distractibility, disinhibition, grandiosity and pathological obsession, brain activities such as alpha, beta, delta, theta and gamma waves can alter, modify and augment perception..

What’s interesting is the correlation between manics emotional fluctuation and the brain frequencies associated with euphoria and dysphoria— is their analogous relationship to sound waves and light waves, especially when you ponder on things like emotional amplitude (highs) frequency (speech rapidity of speech per second), velocity (speed travelled), intensity (distance). In neurobiological analysis of bipolar, studies have shown a correlation between neurotransmitters and mood disorders, also legions in the frontal and prefrontal lubes that induces mania. A myriad of areas were researched, such as biochemical imbalance, neurological aberration and it’s impact on physiological functions. Manic’s may appear convoluted and ineffable during elation because of rapidity of information shared is extraordinary.

There’s also an extrasensory perception irony with bipolar manic’s, and that’s the correlation between mental disorders and their causal connection in the unlinked or random data in reality; the idea of their impaired faculty inducing the aptitude towards causal connection in reality is a misconception that needs clarification. It’s an experience deriving from a heightened sense of awareness and a colorful nebula between the conscious and subconscious. Another contention is psychiatry’s ubiquitous association of bipolar I manic episodes attributing a reality of causal connection in random data, which is oxymoronic to associate “causal” and “connection” within the same syntax with “random” or “meaningless” data. Apophenia is the scientific term coined to define this experience, a sorta spontaneous perception, which disparates what manic’s experience. In hindsight of the myriad of physiological variables not accounted for; such as, intrinsic, extrinsic, lucidity, and acausality remarkable achievements.

This analysis was conducted under supervision of a case study during the peak of manic episodes; indeed, it’s an empirical deductive analysis verifiable through subjective experiences and the self-referential examination of “self.” Cognitive psychological inferences such as mirroring, projection, and the existentialistic aspect of human authenticity and it’s relationship to the subconscious and conscious state were equal analytical accountabilities.

Synopsis: Self-Referential & Empirical Analysis

These empirical analysis are inconclusive, however verifiable through observation, experience and a degree of self-affliction..Inferences conclude that mental faculty are the prerequisite towards mental disorder attraction, and physiology, kinesiology and biomechanics invariably initiate the attraction. These hypotheses are based on independent, theoretical and practical analysis under organic and inorganic conditions. A taxonomy between different forms of mental disorders; primarily, bipolar, has been curated under normal impulsive, distractible, disinhibited and grandiose conditions to effectively and efficiently classify their mental faculty, cognition, psyche, personality, characteristics, conditioning, ideology and emotions.

A detailed examination of test subjects and their mental disorders correlation to areas of metaphysics, phenomenology, parapsychology and psychopathology.. The heightened sense of awareness, the germination of the conscious and subconscious, and the solipsistic and pantheistic implications during mania. Investigations were conducted in their fatal attraction, specifically the prerequisites and initiators that poise the pleasure of interest; also, the amplification of precognition, premonition, retrocognition, clairvoyance, synchronicity, serendipity and telepathy.

Bipolar implies the polarized state between euphoria and dysphoria, and i’ve used the misleading definition because they’re both extreme end of the emotional spectrum that exceeds beyond the normal individual. However, they’re representation of emotional dimensions or coexisting emotional alternation. Bipolar depression and unipolar depression are symptomatically different disorders, and it’s imperative to draw distinctions. Hence, antidepressants can destabilize and induce mania or coexisting dysphoria and elation.

Theoretical & Inferential Data Assessment

These papers are not subjugated to inferential and theoretical data, they’re conclusions reached based on self-referential and empirical analysis, and a systematic inquiry to into the organic nature of individuals under natural environmental settings.. Subjective evaluations were conducted on mood fluctuation, anxiety, and circumstances that intermittently, inadvertently and indirectly alter, modify and impacted their mood. Linear and nonlinear processes, spatial reasoning, brain rapidity and mental solidity were assessed under normal conditions; childhood trauma, stress, illness, depression, insomnia, and substance abuse were accounted for under careful observation..Rigid investigations were conducted into the biological predisposition and environmental factors that precursors the individuals predicament…Also engaging with the “observers effect” methods and principles, where passivity, compliance, and complete adherence to the test subject focal points.

Taxonomy Of Bipolar & Psychopathology

Chapter I: is a fissure analysis between metaphysics, phenomenology, parapsychology and psychopathology; the augmentation of senses during mania and germination between the conscious and subconscious.
Chapter II: is an analysis of solipsism, pantheism and the paradox of intersubjectively phenomenology during manic elation; also objective realism.
Chapter III: explores the prodromal stages of bipolar solipsism and schizophrenia; apophenia and pareidolia being precursors.
Chapter IV: analyzes the mental equilibrium in simultaneous diseases and the way impulsivity, distractibility, disinhibition and grandiosity alters during comorbidity.
Chapter V: is a detailed examination of the prerequisites and initiators in bipolar and mental disorders fatal attraction; primarily in the areas of physiology, kinesiology and biomechanics.
Chapter VI: investigates the prevalence of hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations and lucidity in bipolar and the general population.
Chapter VII: is a systematic inquiry into Bipolar III Cyclothymia and the equilibrium between polar extremities; the subtle commonalities and polarity they share with Bipolar I mania, and Bipolar II hypomania.
Chapter VIII: Analyzes the correlation and disparity between solipsism, parapsychology and psychopathology in bipolar mania, and how grandiosity coalesces the trichotomy.
Chapter IX: studies existentialism, nihilism and it’s relationship to bipolar disorder, atypical minds and the suppressed human psyche of normal individuals.
Chapter X: Analyses Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, Gamma Brain Waves In Extrasensory Perception, and it’s differences to sound waves, light waves and mania.
Chapter XI: Observes The Schumann Resonance, Electromagnetic Fields, Brain-Waves and it’s correlation with Bipolar I Manic Episodes.
Chapter XII: Takes a Taoistic, Existentialistic and Newtonian analysis of the authenticity of love in Bipolar I Manic Episodes.
Chapter XIII: Explores the disparity and commonality between mindful meditation, Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS), and Bipolar Manic’s and Hypomania.
Chapter XIV: A Cross-Disciplinary and Multidisciplinary Pathophysiological and Neuropathological approach to Bipolar Manic’s.
Chapter XV: Examines the Phonetical and Phonological features adolescents and the culturing nurturing and social conditioning of intonation, inflection, modulation and cadence in speech.
Chapter XVI: Studies The ambiguity of Figurative Devices in manic’s interpretation of reality; primarily metaphor, analogy, personification and movies symbolic representations.
Chapter XVII: Is a Philosophical analysis of Pantheism, Panentheism, Panpsychism, Dualism & Monism during Bipolar Manic Episodes.
Chapter XVIII: Examines the correlation between high altitudes and depression, primarily its effect on Bipolar I Manic episodes and II Hypomania!
Chapter XIX: Is an ontological analysis of reality, existence and being in terms of dualism, monism, idealism and materialism.
Chapter XX: Studies the correlation between impulsivity, grandiosity, promiscuity and its relationship to the adult films industry.

(I) Metaphysics, Phenomenology, Parapsychology & Mental Disorders
(II) Solipsism, Intersubjectivity Phenomenology, Pantheism and Bipolar I Manic Episodes
(III) Apophenia The Prodromal Stages Of Bipolar-Solipsism & Schizophrenia
(IV) Empirical Analysis Of Comorbidity In Borderline Savants And Bipolar I Mania
(V) Physiology Kinesiology, The Antecedent Initiator In Bipolar I Manic Episodes Attraction
(VI) Auditory And Visual Hypnagogic Hallucination, Lucidity And Bipolar Manics
(VII) Bipolar III Cyclothymia, The Equilibrium Straddle Between Polar Extremities
(VIII) The Trichotomy Between Solipsism, Parapsychology & Psychopathology in Bipolar I Manic Episodes
(IX) The Existentialistic And Nihilistic Authenticity of Atypical & Bipolar Manic Episodes Despair
(X) The Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, Gamma Brain Waves In Extrasensory Perception; Bipolar I Manic Episodes
(XI) Schumann Resonance, Electromagnetic Fields, Brain-Waves And Bipolar I Manic Episodes
(XII) Taoism Philosophy, Newtons Law, Existentialism, Authenticity, Promiscuity & Bipolar I Manic Episodes
(XIII) Mindfulness Meditation, Alice In Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS), Bipolar And Hypomania
(XIV) A Cross-Disciplinary And Multi-Disciplinary Pathophysiological Approach To Bipolar I Manic Episodes
(XV) Linguistics Phonetics, Suprasegmental Phonology, Semantics, Rhetorical Devices And Bipolar I Manic Episodes
(XVI) Linguistics Semantics, Metaphor, Analogy, Personification, Romeo & Juliet Bipolar I Manic Episodes
(XVII) Pantheism, Panentheism, Panpsychism, Dualism, Monism, & Bipolar I Manic Episodes
(XVIII) The Pathophysiological Effect of Hypoxia In ADHD and Bipolar
(XIX) The Philosophical Implication of Dualism, Monism, Idealism, Materialism In Bipolar
(XX) The Correlation Between Psychopathology and The Adult Film Industry





The History of Linguistics Organic Search Engine Theory (LOSE-T), (SEO), and Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)

Introduction To (LOSE-T) Search Query Disambiguation (SQD)
(1) (SEO), (SERP), (NLP), Derivational & Inflectional Morphology
(2) (SEO), (SERP), (NLP), Metaphor, Analogy, Metonym
(3) (SEO), (SERP), (NLP), Polysemy, Capitonym, Monosemy
(4) (SEO), (SERP), Homonym, Homophones, Homograph
(5) (SEO), (SERP), Segmental & Suprasegmental Phonology
(6) (SEO), (SERP), Paronym, Hyponym, Meronym, Hypernym
(7) (SEO), (SERP), Onomatopoeia, Denotation and Connotation
(8) (SEO), (SERP), Heteronym, Heterograph, Orthographic Units
(9) (SEO), (SERP), (NLP), Cuneiform, Pictographs, Ideographs
(10) (SEO), (SERP), Logographs, Hieroglyphics, Phonographs
(11) (SEO), (SERP), Abbreviations, Acronyms-Hybrids, Initialisms
(12) (SEO) (SERP) Anthropomorphic, Personification, Typography
(13) (SEO), (SERP) Holonyms, Synonyms, Antonyms, Taxonomy
(14) (SEO), (SERP) Prefix, Suffix, Affix, Infix, Circumfix, Morpheme
(15) (SEO), (LOSE-T) Taxonomic Framework To Encode (NLP)
(16) (SEO), (SERP) Absolute, Comparative, Superlative Adjectives
(17) (SEO), (SERP) Redshift, Doppler, Special & General Relativity
(18) (SEO), Possessive, Demonstrative, Indefinite Adjectives
(19) (SEO), (NLP), Proper Nouns, Common Nouns, Capitonymic
(20) (SEO), (NLP), Modulation, Cadence, Intonation, Inflection
(21) (SEO), (NLP), Terminology, Jargon, Verbosity, Slang/Ebonics
(22) (SEO), (NLP) Phonemes, Graphemes, Morphemes, Digraphs
(23) (SEO), (NLP), Autocomplete, Spelling Correction Predictions
(24) (SEO), (NLP), Algorithmic Paradoxes, Equilibriums, Axioms
(25) (SEO), (NLP), Chromatics, Diatonics, Logarithmics, Octaves
(26) (SEO), (NLP), Anaphora, Cataphora, Antecedent, Postcedent
(27) (SEO), (NLP), Hegelians Dialect; Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis

(1) Fundamental vs Technical Analysis in The Stock-Market
(2) Predicting The Stock Market Using Dispersed Variables..
(3) (SEO), (SMO), (SERP), And Google Algorithms..
(4) ICANN), (gTLD), Domain Registras & Cyber-Squatting..
(5) Domain Names (gTLD), Effect On (SEO), Stock-Market..
(6) 10-K, 10-Q, Annual Reports And Google Revenue..
(7) (ICANN), (UDRP), Domain Trademark And Cybersquatting..
(8) Economic Correlation/Advertisement, Marketing & Commodity!

(1) Three Dimensional Paradoxes In Spatial Schemata
(2) Vibrating Molecules and Elliptical Bubbles
(3) Musical Octaves and Wave-Particle Duality
(4) Smells Velocity Induces Memory Faculty
The Paradox of Light and Sound Induces Synesthesia
(6) The Trichotomy Between Amplitude, Frequency and Velocity
(7) Black Is An Electromagnetic-Radiation (EM) Paradox
(8) Quantum Field Theory, Nash Equilibrium & Social Science
(9) Quantum Electrodynamics, Intramolecular, Intermolecular
(10) The Fibonacci Sequence & Coriolis Effect; Music & Motion

(1) The Emotional Dichotomy in Humor
(2) Neuro-Behavioral Disorder Adaptation
(3) Why Comedians Don’t Laugh At Open Mics
(4) Economic Psychology and Humor Aberration
(5) The Philosophy And Psychology Behind Fozzie Bear Humor
(6) Women Comics! A Sociobiological and Economical Analysis
(7) The Trichotomy Between Instinct, Intuition and Improvisation
(8) Synasthesia, Psychophysics, Linguistics and Humor!

The Wave-Medium Dichotomy Between Light and Sound
The Contrasting Distinctions Between Metaphor and Analogy
Thermodynamics and The Industrial Revolution
Analogically Correlating The Third Law of Motion Equilibrium
American History Pervasive With Irony 13th, 14th, 15th Amendment
The Fallibility of Improper Metaphor Congress and Atoms
Sarcasm Phonology, Ambiguity, Semiotics, Semantics etc..
Dramatic, Situational, Verbal, Tragic, Socratic Irony
Apophenia, Pareidolia, Psychosis, Schizophrenia
Synchronicity, Serendipity, Irony, Coincidences
Lexical, Syntactical and Structural Ambiguity
Incongruous Juxtaposition Resolution

(1) Ecological Factors and Physiological Attributes
(2) The Psychology of Politics Equatable Rhetorics
(3) Psychophysics, Polyrhythm, Arrangement and Composition
(4) Smells Velocity Induces Memory Faculty
(5) Cognitive Impairment/Weather Conditions/Placebo Effect
(6) The Social Equilibrium of Spirituality vs Superficiality
(7) Quantum Entanglement, Chameleon Effect and Coincidences
(8) Synthesis Deriving From A Medical Antithesis
(9) The Power of Analogy, A Peculiar Mnemonics
(10) A Metaphor In Physics To Induce Organic Sleep
(11) Karma The Spiritual Undertone In Cause and Effect
(12) Distinctions Between Verbal Irony and Verbal Sarcasm
(13) School District Negligence, A Butterfly a Effect Analogy
(14) Dogs Defecating Alignment With The Earths Magnetic Field
(15) Fundamental vs Technical Analysis in The Stock-Market
(16) A Conglomeration of Political Discrepancy

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